
I'm Rahul Guntha

Full stack Web Developer Data Science Engineer

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

I'm a Full Stack Developer for Deloitte in Hyderabad, India. I have a severe passion for developing web applications with creating intuitive, dynamic user experiences. I'm quietly confident, naturally curious, and perpetually improving my chops. My Interest is also in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Blockchain.


I value simple code structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.

  • Fullname: Rahul Guntha
  • Birth Date: November 27, 1997
  • Current City: Hyderabad, India
  • Email: guntha.rahul9@gmail.com


I tend to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life.

  • 90%
  • 95%
  • 85%
  • 90%
  • 90%
  • 85%
    React JS
  • 85%
  • 85%
    Dockers and Kubernetes

More of my credentials.

I'm proud to have collaborated and worked with some awesome companies.

Work Experience

Advisory Analyst, Associate 4

July 2019 - Present


AppBot: Full-Stack Application: Designed and developed Appbot, an automation tool to run custom scripts on SAP client systems based on the role of the user. Used Django DRF for the back-end, PostgreSQL as the database, and deployed the tool on Amazon Web Services. Used AWS Elastic File Storage (EFS) to mount data for multiple peer sharing on a virtual private cloud, AWS Elastic Container Services (ECR) to store the built docker images for the CI/CD pipeline, AWS Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) to create a Kubernetes cluster in a different region with multiple servers and also integrated with AWS Fargate serverless architecture for automated scaling of application to cater to a large number of users.

Technologies used: Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Adobe XD.

Cloud Services: Azure (Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication), AWS (EKS, EFS, ECR, Cognito).

Technical Intern

Jan 2019 - July 2019


Mobile Tracker: Full-Stack Blockchain Application: Built a decentralized blockchain network using Hyperledger Fabric to track mobiles’ transfer from warehouses to retailers’ stores and finally to the buyers. Led peers in prototyping the application in multiple programming languages and creating the end-to-end architecture. Wrote the chain code in Solidity, and used Hyperledger Composer REST Server for its testing.

Technologies used: NodeJS, ReactJS, Solidity, MongoDB, CouchDB, Kubernetes, Dockers.

Cloud Services: GCP (Compute Engine).

Ticket Bucketing System: Machine Learning: AT&T customers sometimes raise tickets on mobile usability issues with incomprehensible text in the description which is originally intended to capture technical details. Used Natural Language Processing to categorize such tickets, integrated the algorithm with the existing ticket bucketing system and deployed the same in production.

Technologies used: Python, Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn


Bachelor Degree

July 2019

Vasavi college of engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science, Aug-2015 to April-2019


What Can I Do For You?

Full Stack Development

I have knowledge in creating backend architecture for Web Applications, including APIs for fetching and posting data and using a database such as MongoDB, PostgreSQL. I understand both the architecture and complexities of modern web applications rendering individual components by choosing appropriate frameworks like ReactJS.

Data Science

I develop real-world applications using Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.


Having built many successful applications, I know about deploying an application with advanced architecture using dockers, Kubernetes, and cloud services such as AWS, GCP which help scaling up applications high-speed and easy.


Projects Completed


Full time Companies


Months Experience

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Where to find me

Hyderabad, India

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Call Me At
Mobile: +91 9666522688